Control Flow: The for
Drawing a Tree
Using the earlier functions, we can display a tree on the console as in the following example:
def draw_isosceles_triangle_with_offset(height, offset):
for h in range(height):
for o in range(1, height - h + offset):
print(" ", end='')
for i in range(2*h+1):
print("*", end='')
def draw_rectangle_with_offset(width_of_rectangle, height_of_rectangle, offset_of_rectangle):
for h in range(height_of_rectangle):
for o in range(1, offset_of_rectangle):
print(" ", end='')
for w in range(width_of_rectangle):
print("#", end='')
def draw_tree(triangle_height, trunk_width, trunk_height, offset):
draw_isosceles_triangle_with_offset(triangle_height, offset)
rectangle_offset = offset + int(((2 * triangle_height + 1) - trunk_width) / 2)
draw_rectangle_with_offset(trunk_width, trunk_height, rectangle_offset)
def main():
triangle_height = 10
triangle_offset = 5
trunk_width = 3
trunk_height = 5
draw_tree(triangle_height, trunk_width, trunk_height, triangle_offset)
Keep on practicing with the code above and try outputting multiple triangles on the tree.